Hundred Year Podcast
The Hundred Year podcast dives into topics including artificial intelligence, gaming, entertainment, technology, entrepreneurship, current events, and so much more. The podcast is hosted by veteran technology journalist Adario Strange, along with Irreverent Labs CEO and co-founder Rahul Sood, a former Microsoft executive and serial entrepreneur. For questions or inquiries, reach out at: podcast@hundredyear.com Subscribe to the Hundred Year Lens Newsletter: https://hundredyear.substack.com
Hundred Year Podcast
Hugging Face lead medical researcher Dr. Cyril Zakka on how AI will change healthcare forever
Hugging Face is one of the leading names in artificial intelligence and now they've launched an initiative to harness AI in the medical field. Leading these efforts is Dr. Cyril Zakka, a fellow at Stanford's Hiesinger Lab where a team of researchers have been creating new intersections between AI, cardiac imaging, and robotic surgery.
Dr. Zakka joins Adario Strange to explain his childhood experience as a coder and later his entry into the medical field, which set him up to be the perfect bridge between AI and medicine. Later, the two unpack the future of medical treatment with AI, what Hugging Face is doing to impact that outcome, and what AI pioneer Geoffrey Hinton winning the Nobel Prize means for how the world perceives and engages the rapidly changing AI space.
Guest website: https://huggingface.co/cyrilzakka
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Hundred Year Podcast
Intro/Outro Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio