Hundred Year Podcast
The Hundred Year podcast dives into topics including artificial intelligence, gaming, entertainment, technology, entrepreneurship, current events, and so much more. The podcast is hosted by veteran technology journalist Adario Strange, along with Irreverent Labs CEO and co-founder Rahul Sood, a former Microsoft executive and serial entrepreneur. For questions or inquiries, reach out at: podcast@hundredyear.com Subscribe to the Hundred Year Lens Newsletter: https://hundredyear.substack.com
Hundred Year Podcast
This Silicon Valley veteran is using AI to transform how AR apps work - Hundred Year Podcast - Ep. 41
The metaverse is getting an exciting new pathway now that AI is being thrown into the mix. Former Snapchat team member Darya Sesitskaya believes that she has the answer to one major way to use AI to power augmented reality and she’s proving it through her new Shader app, which is available on iPhones, iPads, and the Apple Vision Pro. Adario Strange and Rahul Sood talk to her about her startup journey in Silicon Valley and how she believes AI will transform the way we communicate through virtual avatars and social media expression.
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Hundred Year Podcast
Intro/Outro Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio
#AI #artificialintelligence #ar #augmentedreality #applevisionpro #siliconvalley #startups #software #virtualreality #vr